Have you ever been in a situation where everyone is calling everyone something, accusing them of something wrong? Of course you have. One example is when political candidates run for elected office, and it is especially severe like never before with the 2016 Elections. Well, I believe we need to put something into a new perspective, instead of everyone saying everyone else is guilty of something. Let's talk about who is really guilty of committing offenses. To do that, let's take a look at everyone, all of us, to see how we all stack up as to what is right and wrong, who commits what, who is deserving of punishment, then who receives punishment. Let's start this discussion with some common ground, then we will go to what's different with people. Ya know, we are an absolute mess. Yes, we are. How can I say that? We can each take a look at all the bad things we have done in our lives. Take a moment to recall the worst things ...