
Showing posts from 2016


Have you ever been in a situation where everyone is calling everyone something, accusing them of something wrong?   Of course you have.  One example is when political candidates run for elected office, and it is especially severe like never before with the 2016 Elections.  Well, I believe we need to put something into a new perspective, instead of everyone saying everyone else is guilty of something.  Let's talk about who is really guilty of committing offenses.  To do that, let's take a look at everyone, all of us, to see how we all stack up as to what is right and wrong, who commits what, who is deserving of punishment, then who receives punishment. Let's start this discussion with some common ground, then we will go to what's different with people. Ya know, we are an absolute mess.  Yes, we are.  How can I say that?   We can each take a look at all the bad things we have done in our lives.  Take a moment to recall the worst things ...


THE NEWS . . . THE REAL NEWS . . . Yes . . . . . This is the way it really is . . . in the below video. WE HEAR THE NEWS that comes into our homes everyday. It's bad, it's sad, it's depressing, it's distressing. What are we hearing? Is there truth in it? Are we hearing the real news, or are we hearing just the SYMPTOMS of the real news? YESTERDAY, I posted a song from the 1960s by a favorite group of mine, The Association with the song "Changes In Me". It was a wake up call to recognize that something must change in my life. What is that something that must change? SINCE YESTERDAY, I have listened to some things that point to The Real News, news that is not like that which is broadcast by the usual channels through television and radio, but news that is broadcast and filtered through the lens of true spiritual faith, news that is seen through God's eyes, news that God speaks through His people and through His word to th...


Certain Greeks said:   “ Sir , We Wish To See Jesus ” "Now, there were certain Greeks among those who came up to worship at the feast." Then, certain Greeks said, “Sir, We Wish To See Jesus”. The focus of this writing is, "Sir, we wish to see Jesus" . In the Book of John, in Chapter 12, is the event of Jesus entering Jerusalem as a triumphant King, as stated in John: John 12:12-13:   The next day a great multitude that had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him, and cried out: “Hosanna! ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!’ The King of Israel!” This triumphal entry occurred on a Sunday after Jesus’ purposed journey to Jerusalem over a period of days and at the beginning of His final week before His crucifixion on Passover, on Friday, and His Resurrection on Sunday.  Jesus was on a mission and nothing was going to deter Him from that mission. S...

FRANK M. BARBUSH, The Grandfather I Never Knew

Frank M. Barbush FRANK M. BARBUSH, The Grandfather I Never Knew I never met my father's father, my grandfather, Frank M. Barbush.  Suddenly, out of the blue, seeing his picture, I had the thought that, "If I could speak to my Grandfather, Frank M. Barbush, whom I never knew, what would I say?"  Well, let me say this . . . Hello Pop I never met you and never got to know you , because you left this life before I was born. I did know your wife, Elizabeth Walmer Barbush. The entire family called her Mom Barbush or just Mom - whether sons, daughters, grandchildren, or other. Mom Barbush was the king pin of our family , the pivotal point, the focus point in our family. Penn Harris Taxi Cabs in Harrisburg, P A I never heard much about you, only that you started Penn Harris Taxi , which lasted for many years (decades) and supported many family members for decades. The taxi business became part of the entire Barbush Family . . . . to the exten...