There are 3 kinds of leaders:   

1. CUITTERS quit. They stay where they are and become long time campers, or they go back down to where they once were. Surprisingly, some followers follow them.

2. CAMPERS either quit and stay where they are too long, or camp to rest up and start again to get to a next level. Some followers stay with them and camp long or rest with them and prepare for the next steps.

3. CLIMBERS are learners and take action, purposefully moving to the next level, always growing, always becoming someone who they were not the day before.  Let's follow climbers, and lead those who follows us.

Where are we today? Are we leading in the right direction? 
Don't CUIT, don't CAMP more than necessary, and CLIMB on

As Christians, having Christ formed in us, we should be pressing on no matter what.  Vince Lombardi seemed to have that attitude.  Here is some of what he said:  The Spirit Endures 

Yes, I do know how to spell.  But the 3 Cs works.  Don't ya' think?

Stay tuned.  More to follow on this topic.


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