The Easter Season - 96 Days of Time with God - Day 15 - FEAR WHOM?


Day 15           Wednesday, March 03, 2021            15th Day from Ash Wednesday

Jesus said,

"Fear him who, after he has killed, has power to cast into hell;"

Those words are taken from a teaching by Jesus that is stated in Luke 12:4-7. Jesus spoke that teaching while He was on His last journey to Jerusalem to complete the ultimate goal for which He came, for which He was sent, into the world.

Whom should we fear and why?

Matthew Henry, a commentator on the entire Bible explains it this way:
God is to be feared more than the most powerful men:
“I will forewarn you whom you shall fear" (Luke 12:5)
Fear man less, fear God more.
By OWNING Christ, you may incur the wrath of men, which can reach no further than to put you to death.
By DENYING Christ, and disowning Him, you will incur the wrath of God, which has power to send you to hell, and there is no resisting it.

Matthew Henry - Wikipedia

Matthew Henry (18 October 1662 - 22 June 1714) was a nonconformist minister and author, born in Wales but spent much of his life in England. He is best known for the 6 volume biblical commentary Exposition of the Old and New Testaments.


The pivotal point on which we are to base our fear of God or our fear of man is what we do with Christ. Our relationship with Christ is the pivot between eternal life and eternal death for each and every person.
FEAR of eternal death should make us run to Christ for our salvation and gaining of eternal life.
FEARING OF GOD IS A CURIOUS CONCEPT. How are we to fear God? Are we to cower before Him because He is so great and we are so small? Not unless we are to face His judgment of our sin which will condemn us to hell IF we do not have Jesus Christ as our Advocate before His Father because He fully paid the price for our sin. But, our fear of God should be based in our RESPECT for God the Father and for HIs greatness and awesomeness, and should not be such that in this life we cower before Him and hide from Him because of what we have done that is sinful and punishable with eternal death. NO!! God is a Loving Father. That's why He gave us a Savior to look at and to believe in and save us from eternal damnation and grant us eternal life.
We should not waste the price that was paid by the Father and the Son for us to gain salvation and eternal life. It is a huge price that has been paid for each and every one of us. Thus, we should bow in total respect and awe for what God has done and made available for us.

Read this teaching of Jesus again.

WE HAVE HOPE. We have hope as we journey in this life. Jesus journeyed to Jerusalem to face the punishment that is due to us for what have have sinfully done in our flesh. By turning from our sin and turning to Christ and believing in Him, we have the hope of entering eternal life when we leave these bodies of flesh. Eternal bliss in Heaven with our God, our Savior, others we know, the whole heavenly citizenship.

IMAGINE A PLACE WITHOUT HOPE. As we journey through this life, we can always have the hope of recovering from a sickness, of overcoming a difficult time, of even waking up in the morning. But, imagine . . . . imagine being in a place of suffering without ever having the possibility of escaping, a place where torment never, ever, ceases, and it's forever, and ever, and ever, and ever . . . . . To think of such a place can give us a slight idea of the eternal hopelessness of it. To think of such a place can bring fear of any possibility of being there.

There is always eternal hope, eternal life, when we are in Christ. There is no hope, only eternal death, if we are without Christ. The dividing line is Jesus Christ. The dividing Person is Jesus Christ. The Divine One is Jesus Christ.

Jesus ended His teaching on fear with this:
"Are not 5 sparrows sold for 2 copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore, do not fear; you are of more value than many sparrows."

Thus, we continue following Jesus on His last journey to Jerusalem, where He died for us and was resurrected for us.

Click Here - Jesus of Nazareth: 

"Don't be afraid, I am with you every day

 to the end of time."

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